Our regular Christian worship is a service of Holy Eucharist
(i.e., communion) at 9:30 a.m. (Rite II)
For those who desire it, there is an opportunity to receive individual prayers for healing of body, mind or spirit.
Current Schedule-every Sunday
9:30 a.m. | Eucharist Rite II |
All baptized Christians who truly believe that Christ is present in the Sacrament of Holy Communion are welcome at the Lord’s Table and are invited to receive communion.
To receive communion, come to the rail at the front of the church and kneel or stand. You may eat the bread when it is given to you and sip from the cup, or you may hold the bread and dip it in the communion wine.
Those not wishing to receive the bread and wine are also welcome at the communion rail and may simply cross their arms over their chest to pass on either element or both.
Welcome Visitors!
If you are new to this area, or if you are visiting from another church or community, we extend you a hearty welcome to join us every Sunday morning.
We believe worship is integral to the life of the whole community regardless of age. Our children’s education programs are specifically scheduled to ensure children have the opportunity to be a part of the worshiping community. “Busy bags” with coloring supplies and other story books are also available during the service.
Worship services, other than on Sunday mornings, are based on the church calendar, such as Christmas, Lent and Easter. Please check our Newsletter and Calendar pages or call the church office for updates on these special services.
Our worship practice respects and reflects the historic traditions of the Christian Church, while our theology embraces the differences of those at different places on their journey of faith. At St. Paul’s we seek to balance the wisdom of our ancestors as we also respond to the new and wonderful ways in which God continues to speak to us.